Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peaches...part deux.

So a funny thing happened on my way home from work yesterday....

I stopped at a farmer's market KNOWING I only had to work a short day today. I picked up another batch of peaches in preparation for peach canning, take two.

Today, I ended up working 9 hours. 9 HOURS! Instead being home at noon, I was home at 5pm. The whole drive home I was cursing myself for buying peaches that may go rotten again since the next 4 days are 12 hour days for me. AHHHHH!

After coming home, making dinner and sending Hubby off to work with youth, I had a stare down with the peaches.
The peaches won.
I put the canning pot on to boil, filled the sink with hot water to soak the peaches and started peeling. In the midst of peeling, I put Bear in the tub, had a dance party with Pookie, got Bear out of the tub and got the jars ready.

The girls wanted to help. At first I resisted, then I thought Why Not? A little peach juice never hurt anyone. They were great at filling the jars and eating bits of fruit.

Two hours later, 16 jars of peaches for winter school snacks. That's how we do it 'round here!


kelly ens said...

way to go!!!

Niki said...

Good for you, Nadia! Must feel so good to have that done! And YUMMY!!!

Nadia said...

One jar exploded due to sloppiness, but not bad for less than 2 hours work..