Thursday, September 30, 2010

Things I learned today...

Even though I ordered 6 m3 of compost, I have no idea how much dirt that actually is.

Sometimes it is just easier to go to work for a couple of hours to get things done. Even if it is your day off.

It is madness to try and drive across the city and back during rush hour to get a cup of coffee.

That cup of coffee was totally worth it.

4 shots of espresso right before a work function may not be the best idea.

I can change my shirt while driving in stop n go traffic.

When you want to change your pants in a van in a church parking lot, 6 people will try and approach your van to talk to you.

When leaving a church in the city and heading to my house in the village, it is possible to make a 30 min trip in 12 mins.

The end.


julie anna said...

I was looking for the "like" button on this, and then remembered that we're not on facebook here! I'm sad we weren't in the neighbourhood while you were having your cup of coffee! Slightly ironic that we were out in Delta...

Nadia said...

I know! Plus, I wouldn't have had to change in the van...

JD said...

commenting on the last bullet point; oh the things a woman will do for Grey's!