Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To tweet or not to tweet...

"I'm on The Twitter"
~Betty White~

That's right. Me and Betty White are on The Twitter. For me, it is not so much that I feel the need to tweet about my life, but that I wanted to follow certain folks who I either find hilarious or really smart.

It took me a long time to find a twitter name, but finally picked, @choosethislife

The reason? I think it is because sometimes I feel like I need to be reminded of the goodness of the life I have. Sometimes it is easy to be in this life, loving my family, is not a choice, it is what it is, natural and beautiful. But sometimes, I need to actively choose to be in this life. To fight against the darkness of my mind and stay present in the beauty here around me.

I don't know if I'll ever tweet a thought...but I'm on the Twitter!

(Seriously, every time I see Betty White say that, I snicker out loud.)

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