Thursday, September 23, 2010

A lovely early morning surprise.

Today I woke up at 5 am. That was not the lovely surprise.

Every morning when I drive to work I have an internal battle with myself over stopping for coffee. What I've learned in this season of working full time is that if I am getting up around 5:30am, I cannot eat breakfast. My body refuses to think about food until about 7 am. However, coffee seems to be an acceptable substitute first thing in the morning. So as I hop in the mom van and start driving, I start the conversation, will I or won't I?

This morning, the I Will won out. So I pulled over to a Tim's and ordered a coffee and a donut. (I know, a donut at 6 am? It is ridiculous!) As I pulled up to pay, the guy gave me my coffee and donut and told me to have a nice day. I won't lie. I was confused. Usually money exchanges, then I get my coffee. The guy was messing with me at 6 AM! Finally, he took pity on me and told me that the person ahead of me had paid for my "breakfast".

Huh. That's a pretty good way to start the morning.


kelly ens said...

Love it :)
i had it once where i had a free drink coupon to starbucks, so i went through the drive thru and they told me the person ahead of me had paid for me and that in fact they were near a dozen in a row of people paying for the person behind. so i continued it on - which worked great for me since it didn't cost me anything with my coupon either :)
ah, the 'drive-thru difference'

Megan and Erik said...

I got a free grande latte and banana bread today at Starbucks in Ladner...only because their gift card reader thingy wasn't working!