Sunday, October 24, 2010

A 5 day solo parenting trip...

I made through Hubby's 5 day absence! I am not ashamed to admit that I need Hubby to parent with me. However, it was a bit of a breakthrough for me to realize that it is a lot easier now that the girls are school aged.

The last time I had an extended solo parenting gig was for most of a month when the girls were 2 1/2 and 4 1/2. That was about a thousand times harder than this time. Mostly because they were home all the time! But this time, with the girls at school for part of the day, it was totally do-able.

Not that I want Hubby to go away again anytime soon....


Megan and Erik said...

I can hardly wait for my kids to be school age so this traveling dad/ single mom thing gets easier. Right now I give all props to single moms everywhere! I don't know how they do it!

Nadia said...

You are my hero Meg, you do it so much more than I do!