Saturday, October 9, 2010

Holy Grapes Batman!

Last night a friend dropped off 1/2 a crate of homegrown table grapes...Despite my feeble protestations that it was too many grapes, I was left with 10 pounds of the tiniest, sweetest grapes I've ever tasted. But what am I going to do with all of them??? My friend called later and offered to turn them into juice for me if I wanted, but that sparked something in me.

If he could turn these grapes into juice, so could I. Since Google is my friend in such matters as these, I starting searching. When one of the first ways of making grape juice involved a 2x4, I figured that I could use my own system...involving bowls, a potato masher, a colander and after a last minute dash to the dollar store, a sieve.

A few of the grapes:

Mashing the grapes:

At first I was really meticulous about getting all the stems and bits off...then I realized that I'd be there forever. Hence the mad dash for a sieve!

Voila! A bottle of possibly the sweetest grape juice ever. So sweet that I might need to get some sparkling water to 'cut' the taste a bit. So sweet that my kids couldn't even drink it. And yet, I still have a ton of grapes left over!