Sunday, August 22, 2010

12 years baby!!!!

Hubby and I have been married twelve years.
1/3 of my lifetime.
Momentous no?
Yes. Especially since I never pictured myself married.

I could get all soft and mushy about this. How great Hubby is...what a great dad he is...all the good qualities he embodies...etc, etc. And it would all be true.

The nitty gritty is this, he is the perfect man for me. He loves both the light and darkness that is who I am and continues to woo me.

And I love him.

In honor of 12 years, we decided to share with the world our true identities!


Hannah said...

Twelve years is quite an accomplishment! And so are two beautiful girls. Crazy that it's been 1/3 of your lifetime.

Sarah said...

Congrats to you, Mama. El Husbandio and I just celebrated our twelve year too. Thanks for your encouragement with my blog (inside-out underpants). Love yours too! :)
sarah callender

kelly ens said...

totally awesome :) happy anniversary!

Nadia said...

H- I know right??!!?? And to think, I was considered an Old Maid at the time by my church and friends. Now that I have girls, I'd be content if they waited till they were 30!

Sarah, thanks! Your blog makes me laugh and my inner blog geek is freaking out that you read mine!

K- Thanks!

ACJ said...

So why are you the perfect wife for him?

ACJ said...

Oh, and of course, warm congratulations for sticking the Marriage Project out. It is a life worth living I think, and you do it well.