Saturday, January 15, 2011

My father's homeland

As a rule, I try not to watch the news. I find it to be a litany of the horrors that is liable to make me grieve that fact that I brought children into the world. The girls are at the age where they can understand the fact that some people think it is acceptable to gun down political figures when they disagree with them. Or that planes can crash, or that grown ups hurt kids.

But one cannot live in this world ignorant of what is going on. And one issue that I'm watching closely is what is happening in my father's homeland of Tunisia. Tunisia was originally a French colony and has a big Muslim population. I don't know a lot about my father's history there, but I do know that he left Tunisia in his late twenties to study in Holland/France, met my mom and they ended up in Canada. He refused to go back until about 6 years ago and my parents had plans to go again this spring, but with all that is happening....not sure anymore.

Tunisia has always held a bit of mystery for me and it is on my bucket list to visit. But for now, I pray for my father's brother and his family as they weather this uncertain time.

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